Presenter Quirks: through the Kinect Office Pack Plugin


Last year was a good year, and this year will be even better for techies such as myself. To start the year off right I want to talk about my newest adventure and project.

The adventure deals with the Kinect. Not just any Kinect, the new Kinect for the Xbox One, currently known as the Kinect for windows v2.

My team and I are on a new project… We’re calling it internally:

“Presenter Quirks”

It is a suite of applications and add-ins implemented for Microsoft software, and Windows 8 Devices and especially Microsoft Office applications like PowerPoint. This suite will assist you in becoming that great presenter, orator, lecturer, speaker, and etc. It works by way of the Kinect for Windows version 2 Device. It measures your speech, movement, gestures, and body statistics such as heart and speech rate, and colloquial terms and for the hip generation, slang. As a quick example, let’s say you use Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013. Perhaps you would like to observe and perfect your presentation skills, by seeing how many times you say words like “Umm”, “Eh” or “Ah”, or even the phrases “like …”, “you know what I mean”, “you follow?”. Perhaps, you are a beginner English student and you want to perfect your English persona.

Maybe you even want to cut down on how much you talk with your hands and keep them within a certain Physical Interaction zone (phiz…). Maybe you want to track your body language as you walk across a stage while you’re speaking and you’d like to cut down on that. Maybe you’re nervous as heck, and your heart rate is beating too fast, and you’d like an animation to play to keep the crowd entertained, to lighten the pressure. Or perhaps you want to randomly monitor your audience to see if you are holding their attention while speaking…

If any one or all of these apply to you, then you may be interested in finding out more about Presenter Quirks. All of this can be done with this new application suite and software we are producing plus a whole lot more.

I am excited to introduce a sneak peak at phase 1 of Presenter Quirks

Listed below are some screenshots of the PowerPoint Add-In, with the Kinect enabled that will be available with Presenter Quirks.


Here is the application running with PowerPoint 2013 with the PIP feature turned on…

The above feature is the ability to put you as the presenter inside your presentation:

Another feature is actually controlling the presentation by pointing and utilizing the Laser feature of PowerPoint:

The above picture just shows some other features Presenter Quirks will offer.

Presenter Quirks will also support controlling PowerPoint with voice and hand gestures.

Now there are other samples that have managed to make the PowerPoint slides go forward and back using hand gestures such as here ( ) and here ( ), and these are pretty cool. But sorry guys, this still doesn’t compare to Presenter Quirks.

Presenter Quirks has the ability to record your body metrics and report back to you statistics that gives you the opportunity to become a better presenter, lecturer, speaker, news bearer, and etc. Controlling power point is easy, what’s hard is making sure your audience is entertained and focused on the message you’re delivering. The best way to do this is to become a great speaker, and have the tools by your side to verify this. Plus a little help from Power Point automation doesn’t hurt…


Well I don’t want to reveal all the capabilities in 1 post, so stay tuned. We have way more stuff planned and coming up!!!

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